Disturbingly funny, or hilariously disturbing, Xane's wonderful Six Dead Spots chronicles the protagonist's floundering descent into madness when Frank discovers first five, then six spots on his body where there's no feeling. Frank finds out that the 'dead spots' have something to do with a recurrent dream that grows ever more difficult to grasp. Using self-medication Frank tries to penetrate the dreams to solve his problems, but as his health deteriorates his friends and family are trying to help him. Or are they? Nothing is clear to Frank anymore and he risks his life and sanity to solve the puzzle.
Xane has a wonderful imagination and this quirky story is both original and enthralling. Like [a:Joseph Garraty|4866444|Joseph Garraty|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1306905471p2/4866444.jpg], Xane proves himself to be one of those self-published authors whose quality and originality supersedes that of many trade published peers.
Recommended to readers who enjoy quirky horror stories.